Saturday, January 23, 2010

Decisions, decisions..

I have got to get a police type scanner that picks up the ultrasonic radio waves which women use to secretly communicate with one another in order to plan against men.

For the 1st time ever, I have 2 girls who both want to go out on the same weekend.. I can push one off to Sunday, but that is a work night, which inevitably will cause the date to suck. Then there is the matter of which one gets Sunday and which gets Saturday???

These are decisions that I have never had to make before in my nerdy introverted life, and I am quite unprepared to do so...

Another thing is that they each know about the other one... So in a sense it is almost a competition. The one who gets Sunday will obviously know... Decisions, decisions..

1 comment:

  1. You know what you could get, one of the scanners that you can hack to pick up the cellular wavelengths....listening to women's conversations with each other has got to be enlightening!
